Covergasms♥ is an original Book♥Hooker feature that discusses all things cover related!
To kick start some fabulous new posting, I was inspired by a cover that I saw that evoked a holiday-like reminiscence in me, and I thought what better way to get the holidays started, then to do a Covergasms♥ post dedicated to holiday inspired covers (or covers that I simply deem holiday-y, even though they aren't really). So sit back with some hot cocoa or spiked egg-nog, and enjoy the view :)
Bittersweet by Sarah Ockler
This book is the one that sparked it all. I happened upon this book a few days ago, and really haven't stopped thinking about it. I love making cookies during the holidays, first of all, so it really hit a soft spot. I've been going through some stressful few weeks, and am counting down the days until the semester is over, the holidays start to be in full swing, and I get to return home to my family (where hopefully cookie-making will ensue!). This cover is so captivating in its innocent simplicity. It evokes that warm fuzzy feeling in me that I experience whenever I think about anything Christmas related! I also love the cute curly font, and the background, which, to me, reads of a fresh snowfall (perhaps even the first of the season!), and also like a perfect dusting of icing sugar :)
Ex-mas by Kate Brian
Obviously this evokes a strong sense of Christmas/holiday cheer. I have actually had this book on my shelf for a few years now, and I plan on reading it every Christmas season, it doesn't get done, and then I say I will read it next year. Rinse. Repeat. Well maybe this year is the one (fingers crossed!). But more than likely not. I love Kate Brian, both her series' and stand-alone novels, and I'm sure this one will be nothing less than fabulous. The cover is not one of my all-time favourites, but is obviously the perfect remedy to my isn't-school-almost-done-yet-I-want-presents end-of-year funk. Truly cute, and inevitably delicious :)
The Book of (Holiday) Awesome by Neil Pasricha
Ok, so if you haven't heard of this book, or at least its predecessors, then you don't deserve Christmas at all! These books are a refreshing slice of heaven, with all proceeds going to charity. There is definitely something for everyone in each of these books, and reading through these uplifting anecdotes is half the fun. This particular edition is the holiday one, and the cover really speaks to me of golden Christmas cheer, decorated with colourful Christmas lights that remind me of my charming Christmas tree. I can't wait to crack this one open!
Starstruck by Cyn Balog
This book actually doesn't even follow a Christmas theme, but the cover really says Christmas cheer to me. The use of the cute multicoloured bokeh (newly acquired term!) is just darling, and makes me think of the late, snowy nights when one travels home from a holiday party, drunk off of love and holiday cheer. This cover is full of character, and really one of my all-time favourites. This font is just adorably delicious!
All warm and fuzzy and stuff--Cheers & Enjoy♥